What is a Nature-Based NFT (and why you should have some)

3 min readApr 6, 2022


Want to see crypto reverse climate change? Us too. Check out how CarbonABLE is using carbon credits and DeFi to help the Earth.

Nature-based NFTs on CarbonABLE.io

It’s possible to love DeFi and the planet

We’re fans of DeFi, and we love our planet. At CarbonABLE, we saw an amazing opportunity to help the DeFi community become more carbon-conscious and help restore climate balance by creating nature-based NFTs. If you’ve wondered how you can use your passion for NFTs and DeFi for good, here is your answer: restore real natural ecosystems with CarbonABLE.

More than a GIF…Real Forests and Real Impact

CarbonABLE NFTs are not simple digital cards to collect and trade. They are not pure speculation either, because they are linked to a real plot of nature: our NFTs are 100% tangible.

So do you own the forest when you buy CarbonABLE NFTs? Not quite. You own proof of participation in financing nature-based decarbonization projects. Our NFTs are a way to finance the preservation and regeneration of real carbon sinks — it could be a forest, peatland, or swamp — it depends on the project you decide to support!

Each decarbonization project selected will be sliced into many NFTs, and sold as a collection, with each NFT having all the necessary metadata to follow in real time the project’s evolution.

Real Money, Real Carbon Credits with Real Contracts

Money raised through the sale of an NFT collection is transferred to the project holder (so that he can start his forest!). In exchange, CarbonABLE gets all the carbon credits that the project will release for the life of the project. This deal is secured by a contract that is not on the blockchain, written by real international lawyers, and enforceable in the real world. These carbon credits are tradable later by CarbonABLE on the Voluntary Carbon Credits Market, in exchange for dollars (FIAT).

Reality-backed value

Even though CarbonABLE gets all carbon credits at the beginning of the project, we are committed to only selling the carbon credits that become available each year. We only sell credits gradually, just as forests capture carbon: gradually. Nor do we sell credits that should be retired: for example, if the carbon sink is damaged, and therefore cannot absorb carbon, we retire the credit. Each year, CarbonABLE sells on your behalf the carbon credits linked to the project, producing the resale value you earn through our NFTs.

Carbon Capture but not only…

Projects traded and represented as NFTs by CarbonABLE have also other benefits. For a project to be financed by CarbonABLE, it must meet 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations. These go beyond just restoring nature but also might include poverty reduction, biodiversity, and empowerment for women. We commit to creating a durable business helping local communities.

Follow On-the-Field Progress

Using DeFi and satellite imagery technology, you can follow the regeneration of a plot of nature represented by your NFT. In personalized reports, you’ll receive testimonials from the keepers of the carbon project who are gainfully employed during the project’s lifespan, and you’ll watch as the number of metric tons of carbon you’re helping return to be stocked in the Earth — and out of the atmosphere. You follow the development of a real place, with real statistics, real photos, and real risks too.

Like any funding there are real risks: if the portion of the carbon sink you’ve financed is damaged or the credit linked to it needs to be retired, the resale values can be lower than expected. To minimize this risk, CarbonABLE requires stringent due diligence by our project screening partners and by the certification agencies.

Our nature-based NFTs have a concrete and visible positive impact in the real world, in some of the world’s most precious natural spaces.




Nature-based Solutions Portfolio Management reinvented. 🌎 Source, Fund, Drive, and Monitor Provable Ecological Restoration. ✅ Powered by Blockchain Technology